Faith Sumani aged 24, a final year Bachelor for laws Student at the University of Malawi, Chancellor College. Aims at being the successful person she can ever be. Loves team work and Sees herself as the next big thing in the world of law and society .She gets stimulated by how Justice is always delayed in both Public and Private Sector through the Scarcity of legal Practitioners in Our Country. Thus, being enrolled in the law school is one of her achievements as it has been her passion to pursue this field of profession and at the same time mitigating the Scarcity of legal practitioners. Over the years of being a law student her passion for law as a profession has expanded through experience gained at Zolomphi and company as an intern
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Monday – Friday
8.00 am – 12.00pm
1.00pm – 5.00pm
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Contact Info
Mobile: +265 999 62 85 00
Aquarius House
Ground Floor
West Wing
P. O. Box 30313
Capital City
Lilongwe, Malawi